The Egyptian government is often forced to recognize past abuses in the course of putting a pretty face on future ones, as aptly illustrated by a presidential decree issued on May 11 that extended the State of Emergency for another two years.
Files: Policing and human rights
The Cairo Court of Administrative Justice is scheduled to continue hearing tomorrow – Tuesday 23 February - a lawsuit filed by the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights on 22 October 2009 challenging Minister of Health Decree 373/2009 on the pri
This report offers the collective testimony of the Forum for Independent Human Rights NGOs on the human rights situation in Egypt. Although the report focuses on the last four years, it relies on the products of nearly a quarter century of human rights advocacy and activism, both on the ground and in the legal arena. Since this report cannot document all the pertinent developments and abuses witnessed during the period under review, it will focus on those events and cases that are broadly indicative of the major problems and obstacles preventing Egyptians from exercising rights upheld by international human rights treaties that have been ratified by the Egyptian government.
Egypt's Ministry of Interior released Qur'ani blogger Reda Abdel-Rahman on 22 January after he spent 88 days in Emergency Law detention on the grounds of his religious beliefs, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) said today.
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIRP) today asked the Prosecutor General to immediately release ten men and three women arrested on the basis of their religious beliefs in the latest of a series of "contempt of heavenly religions case