Programs: Regional & International Human Rights Mechanisms

Press Release25 Jan 2021

Together with Egypt’s human rights movement we spent the 10 years prior to 2011 fact-finding and gathering evidence on almost every aspect of the blanket injustice that led Egyptians to rise on Police Day #25Jan.Starting today we’ll take you on a journey to remember how Egypt looked at the end of 30 years of authoritarian rule by #Mubarak

Press Release28 Sep 2020

Everyone has the right to life-saving interventions during or outside of crises.[ii] And yet, women and girls’ rights to bodily autonomy and safe abortion have been some of the first rights to be conveniently sacrificed under the guise of prioritizing COVID, as if health was a zero-sum game. That includes free, safe and legal abortion and comprehensive abortion and post-abortion care, without which women, girls and gender-non-conforming persons are forced to seek unsafe clandestine abortions or to carry unwanted pregnancies to term, in complete violation of our rights.

Press Release8 Jun 2020

The undersigned family members of victims of police killings and civil society organizations from around the world, call on member states of the UN Human Rights Council to urgently convene a Special Session on the situation of human rights in the United States in order to respond to the unfolding grave human rights crisis borne out of the repression of nationwide protests. The recent protests erupted on May 26 in response to the police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which was only one of a recent string of unlawful killings of unarmed Black people by police and armed white vigilantes.

News14 Nov 2019

The first two were presented jointly with Adalah Center for Rights and Freedoms, one on the death penaly, and the other on the infringment of the State's economic policeis on the rights to an adequate standard of living, health, and education.

Press Release8 Sep 2016

The guide contains general information about the complaints instrument as well as an introduction to the three stages of the process: receipt, acceptance on formal grounds (procedural step), and eligibility (substantive step). It also looks at the various mechanisms available for redress.
