Press Releases & News

News17 Jan 2013

"25 January 2013: The Revolution Two Years On.. Injustice Continues"

State crimes remain unpunished: the Interior Ministry is above the law

and the Public Prosecution is missing in action


Press Release8 Jan 2013

The undersigned Egyptian human rights organizations strongly condemn the arrest of photojournalist Mohamed Sabry and his referral to an expedited military trial after he was detained while preparing a story for Reuters in the Rafah area in norther

Press Release24 Nov 2012

This morning 25 Egyptian advocacy organizations filed a lawsuit before the Court of Administrative Justice seeking the annulment of the President’s decree issuing a new constitutional declaration on 21 November and an expedited inj

Press Release18 Sep 2012

2012 Sir Suma Chakrabarti 

President, EBRD 

One Exchange Square 

London EC2A 2JN 

United Kingdom 

Re: EBRD Country Assessment and Operational Priorities for Egypt
