Files: United Nations

21 Oct 2018

The report assesses the economic and social impact of the economic adjustment program, agreed upon by the Egyptian government and the International Monetary Fund as a condition for Egypt’s receipt of $12-billion loan under the Extended Fund Facility, to be disbursed in six tranches.

7 Feb 2017

I.Checklist for Interaction with the Victim


       a. The Rapporteur determines whether the complaint falls within his mandate

       b. Effort is made to verify the information and seek additional details if necessary

       c. The Special Rapporteur reaches out to the Government of the State where the alleged violation is thought to have occurred

                i.Urgent Appeals (for ongoing violations): Government urged to respond as soon as possible

Press Release9 Nov 2016

The EIPR found substantial discrepancies between the Arabic definition of female circumcision and the definition in all other languages on the WHO website.The Arabic definition lacks an important sentence affirming that there is no medical basis for the practice.

Press Release5 Nov 2014

The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights will be sending live updates from the UN Human Rights’ Council today, 5th of November, to cover Egypt’s Periodic Review session in which a number of countries will be allowed to ask Egypt questions about
