This requirement constitutes an encroachment on the concepts of "energy poverty" and "energy justice", because it drains energy resources for the benefit of these factories at the expense of making them available to Egyptian families, especially the poorest. It also contradicts the Goal 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030: "Clean energy at affordable prices", because it sells polluting energy to factories at lower prices than they are, thus impeding the shift towards clean energy.
Tags: transparency
Five objections: what is the problem with the World Bank loan?
28 the session of the UN Human Rights Council – 2-27 March 2015
Item 4 – Interactive Dialogue
In an end-of-year statement, EIPR lamented that despite its shortcomings, the new constitution had established important new protections for citizens against oppression and injustice.
The political administration reduced the budget deficit to under 10% using controversial economic measures without taking the necessary measures to protect the poor from the inevitable resulting inflation and increase in prices.