The Public Prosecution orders Hossam Bahgat’s release and charges him with insulting the election commission, and publishing false news of electoral fraud
Press Release
Hossam Bahgat, EIPR executive director, appeared today at the Public Prosecutor’s office in Rehab city to be questioned in a new case opened against him (case number 35/2020). After questioning, the prosecution ordered Bahgat’s release without bail pending investigation, after charging him with insulting a public institution, being the National Election Commission (article 184 of the penal code), publishing, with ill intent, false news and rumors regarding fraud in the parliamentary elections which disturbed public security and harmed public interest (article 188 of the Penal Code), in addition to using online accounts, on Twitter and Facebook, to commit the two mentioned crimes (article 27 of the Cybercrime Law of 2018).
Bahgat was questioned in regard to a tweet he published in 2020, holding the former president of the NCE accountable for violations in the latest parliamentary elections. Bahgat’s defense team presented, during the questioning today, evidence documenting the events of the last parliamentary elections, including court appeals and verdicts.