Files: Economic Rights

13 Nov 2017

This report examines the effects that these increases have had on low- and middle-income households, questioning the justifications given for these price hikes, and concluding with a number of recommendations which would limit the burden on these households, introduce transparency and restructure financial management within the electricity sector.

Press Release13 Nov 2017

The report shows that Ministe of Electricity Decree 312/2017 increased bills by 27 percent on average for the current fiscal year of 2017–18, following last year’s 33-percent increase. The hikes ranged from 15.4 percent for the first bracket (the lowest electricity usage bracket) to 43.3 percent for the seventh bracket (the highest). This shows some improvement on last year, when the biggest hikes fell on the brackets using the least electricity, but the third and fourth brackets, where most low- and middle-income users fall, did absorb major increases this year of 22.4 percent and 27.9 percent respectively.

Press Release22 Dec 2014

The case of exporting gas at very low prices is perhaps one of the key corruption cases in modern times. It is so due to its scope and impact on the lives of millions of Egyptians, the involvement of top state officials, the wide attention by the public, and its historic and political significance. Many analysts and followers of the case maintained the impossibility that the former President Mubarak was unaware or even uninvolved in the case, if only due to the fact that the issue is a matter of “sovereignty” concerning one of our key natural resources.
